
Meet our member of the month, Alice Choi,
the talented blogger behind Hip Foodie Mom.

What was your original motivation for your blog? What keeps you motivated?

“My original motivation for my blog was simply to have a place for my recipes to live so I could share them with family and friends. I never dreamed this would become my job and that I would actually be making a living doing what I love: writing, cooking and connecting with people.”

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

“Korean bibimbap. It has all of my favorite things. And chocolate cake.”

What has been your biggest cooking disaster?

“The first time I made cheesecake. I placed the cheesecake in a water bath and didn’t protect and wrap the cheesecake well enough with foil to keep the water out. Water seeped into the cheesecake and when I was removing it from the oven, I dropped it, and cheesecake flew everywhere. Like, everywhere. Even on the ceiling. I made that cheesecake 3 times. Now, I am a pro. (I’m totally joking!)”

Here are here and here are some of Alice’s pro cheesecake recipes.

What are you most looking forward to in 2016?

“Earlier this year, I created a vision board for myself . . where I want the blog to go and what I want to do professionally. I’m excited to see my growth and these ‘goals’ of mine, accomplished. I’m also running a half marathon in April in IL.”

If you didn’t live in good ole Wisconsin, where would you love to live?

“If I am dreaming? Paris! But seriously, I used to live in Seattle, WA. Probably Seattle, or Dallas, Texas, where my parents live and where I grew up.”


February Member of the Month: Alice Choi

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